Do I have to leave the Library when the fire alarm goes off?
YES! You should treat all fire alarms as an actual emergency, even if you think it might be a false alarm. Please follow these steps:
As soon as the alarm goes off you should calmly leave the building through the nearest exit.
Do not use the elevators. Look for the lighted “Exit” signs to lead you to the closest stairwell or door.
If it is safe to do so, we highly recommend that you take all of your belongings with you. You do not know how long the building may be evacuated. However, if you are not near your belongings when the alarm goes off, do not attempt to retrieve them before leaving the building.
When you exit the building, move away from the entrances and the sides of the building.
Follow the directions of Library employees and emergency personnel.
Do not attempt to reenter the building until a Library employee or emergency responder says that it is OK to do so.
Failure to leave the building during a fire alarm can result in a citation by the UCSB Police Department. Do not endanger yourself or others by refusing to leave the building.
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