What is in the Music Collection?


The UCSB Library Music Collection emphasizes music of the Western art traditions and diverse world cultures, particularly the vernacular and traditional music of Eastern Europe, India, the Middle East, and the United States. Formats include books, scores, sound recordings, journals, videos, and microforms.

The Music Library has permanently closed to the public as of Monday, August 5, 2024. Music collection materials will be inaccessible to patrons for the approximately eight weeks it will take to move all collections into the Arts Library and construction is completed. 

Library users are strongly encouraged to borrow materials they anticipate needing in Summer quarter and, to be safe, in early Fall quarter prior to the closure. While the Music collection is in transit, patrons may use Interlibrary Loan to obtain copies of print materials that are temporarily inaccessible. 

With the start of Summer Sessions on June 24, all Music Course Reserves will move to the main Library Services Desk and patrons will no longer be able to select the Music Library as a pick-up location for Interlibrary Loan materials in UC Library Search. Patrons with Interlibrary Loan requests that are still in transit at that time should check their email notifications or library account to confirm their items’ pick-up location.

  • Last Updated Aug 07, 2024
  • Views 28
  • Answered By Annie Platoff

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