How do I link Google Scholar to UC e-resources?


You can set up Google Scholar to link to electronic resources provided through the UC libraries.  Follow the steps below.  We also have a video version of these instructions you can use.

  1. Start at Google Scholar -
  2. Use the "Sign in" link at upper right, and then log into your UCSB Google account using your UCSBnet ID and password.
  3. Click on the "hamburger menu" -- the three lines at upper left on the Google Scholar screen, and then choose the "Settings" option.
  4. Choose "Library links" from the menu options under settings.
  5. Enter "University of California, Santa Barbara" in the "library access links" search box.
  6. Check the box for "University of California, Santa Barbara - Get it at UC".
  7. Click on the "Save" button to save your changes.

With these settings in place, Google Scholar will now recognize that you are affiliated with UC Santa Barbara when you are logged in to Google.  You will see the "Get it at UC" link for various electronic resources in your search results list.




  • Last Updated Mar 16, 2023
  • Views 42
  • Answered By Annie Platoff

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